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Praticien(ne) certifié(e)

Date de certification du praticien:

Date des formations continues suivies par le praticien

 I came to Antigym after many years of practicing other bodywork methods. After a while, I became aware that my body was actually starting to change, imperceptibly at first, but with time, I could sense a new freedom in how I moved, and aches and pains dissolving. As a singer, I was also struck by how the method releases the voice. Since all is connected, and the whole body is our instrument, the release of muscle tension that Antigym facilitates, also affects the voice in a positive way. Needless to say, since the human body is an amazing « instrument », I would recommend it to anyone who is interested.  

I look forward to sharing this unique method more widely, and would be happy to hear from you!

Mes coordonnees

Praticien(ne) certifié(e)
c/o Anker
Gregers Grams vei 22
0382 Oslo kommune
Praticien(ne) certifié(e)
140 Melrose Avenue
NW2 4JX Greater London
United Kingdom