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Praticien(ne) certifié(e)

Date de certification du praticien:

Date des formations continues suivies par le praticien

Hello, and welcome to my Practitioner’s Page!


Antigym® is a gentle yet profound method of freeing the muscles of the body, deepening the breath, releasing the back, developing body autonomy.  


Classes are once a week and each lasts for 1.5hrs. A full cycle is 19 weeks.


Explore the website to find out more, discover literature, and other resources available. 


Classes with me are available online, and in-person in Fredericksburg, TX.


Start with a 20 min FREE Initial Meeting before your Discovery Session.


Carpe diem!

Sati Cabral


Phone number: (512)749-5801

E-mail: saticabral@protonmail.com

Mes coordonnees

Praticien(ne) certifié(e)
334 Schmidtzinsky Rd
78624 Fredericksburg
United States