
Wishing you a beautiful 2024! Thank you for visiting my page.

My Antigym® journey began in 2012 when I read Thérèse Bertherat‘s seminal book The Body Has Its Reasons. I started taking on-line classes in 2020 with Canadian practitioner, Susan Barratt, and joined the practitioner training program in 2023.
This practice has deepened my appreciation for the inherent intelligence of the body, and its natural desire and ability to be strong yet supple. I also love the play, wonder, imagination and curiosity this practice invites.

I am a storyteller and theatre artist with the theatre company Really Inventive Stuff which partners with symphony orchestras across North America. I teach performance and embodied voice (after the Roy Hart approach) at the University of Southern Maine.

You might see my cats, Pip & Prudence, joining us for an Antigym® class.


Upcoming Group Online sessions via Zoom

Fridays: Feb 16-April 05 at 3:30pmET (7 class cycle)

Wednesdays: March 20-April 24 at 9:00amET (6 class cycle)

Wednesdays: March 20-April 24 at 6:45pmET (6 class cycle)

Tuesdays: March 26-April 30 at 9:00amET (6 class cycle)


Group Online Class fees:

$15/class  ($90 for 6 series; discounted to $75 if paid in advance)

One-to-one classes by appointment in person or via Zoom
Sliding scale fee for one-to-one classes: $35-$65

Classes are conducted in English.


To register for a session, or for questions, please email me: Sara.Valentine338@gmail.com

Looking forward to practicing Antigym® together!


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Envie de découvrir cette méthode corporelle ?

Contactez-moi pour une séance découverte! 

Conheci a antiginastica através do livro « O corpo tem suas razões ». Fiquei interessado no método e em 2014, fiz uma vivência em  São Paulo de 5 dias com Andrea Cardoso e Rejane Benaduce. Foi o necessário para eu ter a certeza de que esse era o caminho a ser seguido. Iniciei minha formação no método, concluindo em 2016 e por algum tempo, pude trabalhar com meus grupos. E eles amaram.  Em 2017, precisei me ausentar da Antigym.  Como fisioterapeuta, eu tinha outros projetos em andamento. Eu precisava estudar em um nível muito mais aprofundado as deformidades da coluna vertebral. Embora eu estivesse longe, a chama da antiginástica esteve sempre acesa em meu coração. Concluído os estudos e ainda continuo, mas, estou de volta. E estou muito feliz por retornar. Estou feliz por reiniciar novamente esse trabalho maravilhoso.

Formée par Thérèse Bertherat en 2003.

D’emblée j’ai aimé l’esprit frondeur de sa méthode, la justesse de sa vision du corps…  vivant, doué de mémoire et d’intelligence musculaire…  Partir à la conquête du corps sans bataille, retrouver l’amplitude de ses gestes et de sa respiration, élargir sa palette de mouvements pour acquérir davantage de liberté… voilà qui a réveillé  l’exploratrice en moi…

Apprécier  comment notre corps nous parle, ce qu’il nous susurre à travers ses tensions, douleurs ou fatigue…

Expérimenter par des mouvements justes, précis, comment retrouver son axe, sa vraie longueur et sa belle forme… sa respiration libre… chacun selon son propre rythme…

Enrichir son ressenti corporel  pour trouver son juste équilibre, sa fluidité, son corps délié…  

Partageons un bout de chemin dans l’expérimentation de prendre soin de soi…

Travail individualisé, qui se pratique en petits groupes, à un rythme régulier…

A Caluire …  Les Ateliers des Temps Corps ont ouvert leurs portes dans un havre de calme et de tranquillité, lieu fécond pour expérimenter cette méthode unique qu’est l’AG.

Parking sur place ou accès par bus : C2, 33, 70

Hi everyone!


My name is Gabriela. I love Antiygym and everything it stands for. This method allows everyone to better understand and claim ownership over their own body. It is intentionally crafted and respectful to ourselves. 


I’m originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to Miami, FL in the 90s. I have recently moved up to the New England area and now live between Boston, New Hampshire, and Miami. While I studied for my Bachelors in Education, I found Therese Betherat’s book “The body has its reasons” which changed my life. I finished my studies and began to train in many systems and modalities of Body Work. I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist for over 30 years and have maintained my dedication to this career, and other methods of body work, from a young age. I continued to learn new methods until I was finally able to train Antigym, an old love.


I’m thrilled to offer classes online and am in the process of organizing live classes in the different areas that I live, for which I will post dates soon. Classes are both in English and Spanish.


Much love



Mi nombre es Gabriela. Me encanta la Antigimnasia ya que se dirige al ser humano en su totalidad, permite conocer mejor el propio cuerpo y vivirlo plenamente.


Soy Argentina, nacida en Buenos Aires, me mude a Miami en los ’90 y recientemente tambien vivo en al area de Boston y New Hampshire, viviendo ahora entre estos tres lugares.

 Estudie Pedagogia en Buenosn Aires y en ese momento encontre  el libro de Therese Bertherat « El cuerpo tiene sus razones » y cambio mi vida.Comence a estudiar varias modalidades y  metodos de trabajo corporal y masaje. Soy Licence Massage Therapist por mas de  30 años y continue haciendo varios workshops y trainings hasta que finalmente pude hacer el entrenamiento en Antigym, un viejo amor.


Contenta de poder ofrecer clases online y presenciales en diferentes area que anunciare a la brevedad.

No dudes en contactarme 

Hasta Pronto