En praktiker i din närhet
Sök en praktiker eller en workshop
Sök en praktiker
Please "EMPTY" your search
before starting a new search.
before starting a new search.
Perform one or more days
Sök en workshop i Antigymnastik
Please "EMPTY" your search
before starting a new search.
before starting a new search.
Practitioner certifiering datum
Date continuous training followed by the practitioner
{{ total }} Resultat (er) för din sökning
{{ item.firstname }} {{ item.lastname }}
Certifierad praktiker
Trainee practitioner
{{ item.address_1 }}
{{ item.address_2 }}
{{ item.address_3 }}
{{ item.zip }} {{ item.city }}
{{ item.certification }}
{{ item.phone }}
Start date {{ item.debut }}
End date {{ item.fin }}
Antal dagar : {{ item.jour }}
Address of the workshop
{{ item.address_1 }}
{{ item.address_2 }}
{{ item.address_3 }}
{{ item.zip }} {{ item.city }}
Phone {{ item.telephone }}
Email: {{ item.email_stage }}
Reserve your place using PayPal.
Payment via PayPal:
You can use PayPal to pay without having to create a PayPal account.
Your payment will be deposited directly in the practitioner’s account.
Workshop description: