Stage proposé par Andrzej SZKANDERA, à London

The Art of Breathing (2)

Ce stage vous est proposé par Andrzej SZKANDERA

Date début du stage: samedi 22 septembre 2018

Date fin du stage: samedi 22 septembre 2018

Nombre de jours: 1

Adresse du stage:

Linden Gardens

W2 4ES London

United Kingdom

Téléphone: 4407709692149


Descriptif du stage:

Breathing is intimately connected to the way in which we inhabit our bodies. It affects every aspect of our body and vocal language and influences both the way we feel and the way in which others view and reacts to us. It also determines how well we handle pressure and how easily we bounce back from all the life throws our way.
A centred breath will give rise to a supported, resonant, confident sounding voice, making us more confident as well.
Centring the breath give us the opportunity to function more effectively in spite of our feelings – to control nerves, anxiety,
and self-doubt and to replace them with a more positive frame of mind which enables us to function from the most capable side of ourselves.
Breath is not just the life force, it is also quintessential in shaping the very way we live our lives.